



Nov 29,2020专业课程阅读:


基础/核心课程 Basic/Core Subjects

1.教育哲学,精神和个人领导力(Philosophies of Socio- Economic Systems and Management Science)

2.人与管理哲学(Philosophies of Man and Management)

3.高级管理研究与统计(AdvancedManagement Research and Statistics)

4.商业可持续性发展与环境管理(Business Sustainability and Environmental Management)

专业/主修课程 Professional/Major Courses

1.人文管理哲学(Philosophies of People and Culture Management)

2.经济发展模式分析与设计(Analysis and Design of Economic Development Models)

3.财务主管的高级研究(Advanced Studies in Treasury and Controllership)

4.投资管理高级研究(Advanced Studies in Investment Management)

5.市场营销高级研究(Advanced Studies in Marketing Management)

6.运筹学和定量管理技术(Operations Research and Quantitative Management Techniques)

7.工作表与信息系统管理(Management Dashboards and Information Systems)

8.战略管理哲学(Philosophies of Strategic Management)

选修课 Cognates

1.当代商业主题与案例研究(Topics and Case Studies in Contemporary Business)

2.创业及企业家精神研讨会(Seminars in Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship)

3.管理经济学主题与案例研究(Topics and Case Studies in Managerial Economics)

4.菲律宾商业环境研讨(Seminar in Philippine Business Environment)

5.政策分析与发展(Policy Analysis and Development)

6.人与文化发展管理研讨(Seminar in People and Culture Development and Management)

7.组织发展与管理案例(Cases in Organization Development and Management)

8.商业道德和企业社会责任(Business ethics and corporate social responsibility)

9.项目可行性研究与企业发展(Project feasibility study and enterprise development)

论文 Dissertation

1.论文写作原理(Dissertation |: Fundamentals of Dissertation Writing)

2.开题报告及答辩(Dissertation II: Preparation and Defense of Proposal)

菲律宾莱西姆大学详细信息请访问:Lyceum of the Philippines University
